Absolut Hunni Flavoured Vodka 70cl
Flavoured VodkaAbsolut Hunni Vodka 38% abv 70clAbsolut Hunni: where the magic of honey meets the refined world of Absolut Vodka.A premium sweet vodka with a distinct flavour of golden honey for a smooth delicious taste. Made exclusively from natural flavour and unlike some other flavoured vodkas doesnt contain any added sugar.Mix with clear lemonade for an easytomake refreshing in taste long drink. Or shake up some sugar syrup and lemon juice with this smooth golden honey flavoured vodka and you have yourself a refreshing Hunni Lemon Drop Martini.Absolut Vodka has completely redefined the premium vodka landscape becoming synonymous with art culture and nightlife. By starting a revolution in cocktail creation and launching a range of flavours never before seen on the market Absolut has become an icon in its own right. It has been produced at the famous old distilleries near Ahus in accordance with more than 400 years of Swedish tradition. In 1879 Lars Olsson Smith its founder introd
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